Immersive Meditation (Online)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Join Mindfulness coach, Julie Burch, for mindfulness training with an emphasis on specific techniques for relaxing and feeling good.Please call (941-343-0039) or e mail ( to register.

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Magnificent Manifesting (Online) Part 3 of 3 – (Full)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

We are pleased to partner with the Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation for this program. Join Katherine Michelle Tanner as she guides you through a THREE-part workshop to unpack, harness and ride your […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Art Journaling (in-person) – FULL

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths

Art Journaling provides an opportunity to explore and express yourself through a variety of art mediums. Art journaling holds a focus of process, rather than end product, and may help […]

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths

Ideal Scene (online)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths

How many of us have said at one time or more in our lives, including the present, I wish my life was different. I wish I could have more of, […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths

MINDFUL BODIES & REFLECTIVE PRACTICES (In-person) Guest Facilitators/Urban Bush Women

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths

Join us for an evening of Mindful Bodies and Reflective Practices with Urban Bush Women sponsored by Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation. This participatory workshop focuses on self-care, rejuvenation, and (re-) constructing healthful images of ourselves and our communities. As we move, share stories, and discuss holism practices from food choices to daily stress relief, Urban […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths

Mindful Morning (in-person)

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Join Mindfulness coach, Julie Burch, for mindfulness training with an emphasis on specific techniques for relaxing and feeling good. Followed by Zentangle! Zentangle is an easy-to-learn, relaxing and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structures patterns. We call these patterns tangles. You create tangles with combinations of dots, lines, simple curves, s-curves and orbs. Zentangle art is […]

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Non Linear Movement (online)

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Non-Linear Movement guides participants in gentle movements designed to release tension, regulate the nervous system, and unite the mind and body. Non Linear Movement is ideally done on the floor using a mat or blanket, comfortable nonrestrictive clothing and an open mind to try something new. Call (941) 343-0039 or e mail ( the office […]

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Yoga for Thriving (in-person)

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Led by a yoga instructor trained in trauma-informed care, this in-person gentle yoga class will include stretches and meditation. The goal of this group is to address the body-based impacts of trauma by providing participants with a safe space for relaxation and peace. Call 941-343-0039 or e mail to register.

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Mindful Movement with a Beginner Ballet Focus (In-Person)

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Join Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation Teaching Artist Sarah for a gentle stretching and beginner ballet exercises to prepare the body for dance. An introduction to basic ballet movements, fostering balance, strength, and posture. Followed by guided dance exercises and improvisation to encourage emotional expression and release. Participants will have the opportunity to incorporate elements of beginner […]

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Suminagashi Day Retreat (Sponsored by the Johnson Singer Foundation(in-person)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Artistic endeavors provide an expressive outlet that allows us to channel and process emotions in a safe and constructive way. Join us for a Suminagashi Day Retreat. Suminagashi, is the Japanese technique of decorating paper with inks. It is believed to be the oldest form of marbling, originating in China over 2,000 years ago. Suminagashi (sue-me-NAH-gah-she), means literally […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths