“DroneScape” – Mindful Color Tinting (In-person)

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

In this workshop you will have the opportunity to choose from a large variety of actual black and white drone photographs to “color tint” . Using a variety of pencils and markers you will create a “DroneScape”.  The process is easy, very relaxing, and the outcome is beautiful.  Mindful Meditative Art helps to embrace our Inner Critic, tap into our […]

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Yoga to Balance the Seven Chakras (In-Person)

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

A chakra - the Sanskrit word for "wheel" represents a focus or concentration of energy in the body. There are seven different chakras, corresponding with seven locations on the body. Join Bridgette in learning how to bring your chakras back into balance through your yoga practice. Yoga is strongly associated with restoring balance to the […]

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Yoga to Balance your Seven Chakras (In-person)

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

A chakra - the Sanskrit word for "wheel" represents a focus or concentration of energy in the body. There are seven different chakras, corresponding with seven locations on the body. Join Bridgette in learning how to bring your chakras back into balance through your yoga practice. Yoga is strongly associated with restoring balance to the […]

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Survivor Strong (Online)

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

This is a peer support group.The focus will be on how your trauma is currently affecting your life. We will also be discussing and sharing resiliency strategies and how our lived experience has given us the opportunity for growth. Call 941-343-0039 to register or e mail info@resilientretreat.org.

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Expressive Movement & Reflection (Sponsored by the Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation) (in-person).

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Our bodies are the container of our experiences; they hold memories and emotions, and can help us understand ourselves better. In this experiential class, modern dance movement and improvisation is fused with creative writing to create a playful connection to the self and other.  Embodied and sensorial, students will be encouraged to participate in unstructured dance, mindful […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Mindful Meditation (Online)

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Mindfulness meditation is a guided technique you can use to develop focus, clarity and balance as well as to increase inner peace, resilience and happiness. Participants receive affirmations after each program to continue the practice at home. We focus on a different intention each time we meet. Please call us at the retreat (941) 343-0039 […]

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Non-Linear Movement (in-person)

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

The Non-linear Movement Method utilizes the mind-body connection to help you survey your internal self and encourages you to listen to signals your body sends about areas of discomfort, imbalance, or pain. Through movement with and releasing tension patterns and contractions we are able to access information about the ways you hold on to experiences […]

  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Day Retreat (in-person) -RETREAT FULL

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Join us for a day retreat focused on self-care and overall wellness. The day will comprise of 3 programs, time for rest, and lunch will be provided. Day retreats focus on building community while also enhancing tools to manage stress and trauma. If you are interested in attending, please contact us at info@resilientretreat.org or call 941-343-0039. […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Immersive Meditation (Online)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Join Mindfulness coach, Julie Burch, for mindfulness training with an emphasis on specific techniques for relaxing and feeling good.Please call (941-343-0039) or e mail (info@resilientretreat.org).

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Movement, Memos & Meditation (online)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

The power of Yoga honors the shifts and qualities of the season. In this quarterly gathering, we will look to the transitions of the new season to support your health and healing journey.  Movement - basic Yoga vinyasa practices (movement aligned with breathing) to be truly present & attentive to the physical body. Memo's - plan to […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths