The Healing Power of Music (In-Person)

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

We are pleased to partner with the Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation for this program.  Adrian will present an interactive, therapeutic concert featuring violin classics from Mozart to Gershwin—pieces will be […]

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Remarkably Resilient (Online)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

This interactive online webinar, informed by the neuroscience of trauma and resilience, will have three sisters share their story as survivors and their path to resiliency. This webinar will include […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Magnificent Manifesting (Online) Part 1 of 3

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

We are pleased to partner with the Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation for this program. Join Katherine Michelle Tanner as she guides you through a THREE-part workshop to unpack, harness and ride your […]

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Magnificent Manifesting (Online) Part 2 of 3

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

We are pleased to partner with the Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation for this program. Join Katherine Michelle Tanner as she guides you through a THREE-part workshop to unpack, harness and ride your […]

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Empowerment Journaling Peer Support – Prioritizing (Online)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Join us as we journal and discuss prioritizing. This week the exercises and discussion will discuss prioritizing our health, self care, mind, family and/or work. Focus on priorities and ways […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Essential Oil 101 (In-Person)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

The group has finished up a 12 week Essential Oil program and this week together with Bridgette will delve into Essential Oils. What they are. How to use them. Identifying […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Immersive Meditation (Online)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Join Mindfulness coach, Julie Burch, for mindfulness training with an emphasis on specific techniques for relaxing and feeling good.Please call (941-343-0039) or e mail ( to register.

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Magnificent Manifesting (Online) Part 3 of 3 – (Full)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

We are pleased to partner with the Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation for this program. Join Katherine Michelle Tanner as she guides you through a THREE-part workshop to unpack, harness and ride your […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Art Journaling (in-person) – FULL

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths

Art Journaling provides an opportunity to explore and express yourself through a variety of art mediums. Art journaling holds a focus of process, rather than end product, and may help […]

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths

Ideal Scene (online)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths

How many of us have said at one time or more in our lives, including the present, I wish my life was different. I wish I could have more of, […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths