Magnificent Manifesting (Online) Part 1 of 3

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

We are pleased to partner with the Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation for this program. Join Katherine Michelle Tanner as she guides you through a THREE-part workshop to unpack, harness and ride your […]

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Magnificent Manifesting (Online) Part 2 of 3

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

We are pleased to partner with the Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation for this program. Join Katherine Michelle Tanner as she guides you through a THREE-part workshop to unpack, harness and ride your […]

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Empowerment Journaling Peer Support – Prioritizing (Online)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Join us as we journal and discuss prioritizing. This week the exercises and discussion will discuss prioritizing our health, self care, mind, family and/or work. Focus on priorities and ways […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Essential Oil 101 (In-Person)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

The group has finished up a 12 week Essential Oil program and this week together with Bridgette will delve into Essential Oils. What they are. How to use them. Identifying […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Immersive Meditation (Online)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Join Mindfulness coach, Julie Burch, for mindfulness training with an emphasis on specific techniques for relaxing and feeling good.Please call (941-343-0039) or e mail ( to register.

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Magnificent Manifesting (Online) Part 3 of 3 – (Full)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

We are pleased to partner with the Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation for this program. Join Katherine Michelle Tanner as she guides you through a THREE-part workshop to unpack, harness and ride your […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Art Journaling (in-person) – FULL

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths

Art Journaling provides an opportunity to explore and express yourself through a variety of art mediums. Art journaling holds a focus of process, rather than end product, and may help […]

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths

Ideal Scene (online)

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths

How many of us have said at one time or more in our lives, including the present, I wish my life was different. I wish I could have more of, […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths

MINDFUL BODIES & REFLECTIVE PRACTICES (In-person) Guest Facilitators/Urban Bush Women

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths

Join us for an evening of Mindful Bodies and Reflective Practices with Urban Bush Women sponsored by Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation. This participatory workshop focuses on self-care, rejuvenation, and (re-) constructing healthful images of ourselves and our communities. As we move, share stories, and discuss holism practices from food choices to daily stress relief, Urban […]

  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths

Mindful Morning (in-person)

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths

Join Mindfulness coach, Julie Burch, for mindfulness training with an emphasis on specific techniques for relaxing and feeling good. Followed by Zentangle! Zentangle is an easy-to-learn, relaxing and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structures patterns. We call these patterns tangles. You create tangles with combinations of dots, lines, simple curves, s-curves and orbs. Zentangle art is […]

  • Building Interpersonal Strengths
  • Building Meaning-Making Strengths
  • Building Regulatory Strengths